Sunday, November 17, 2013

Night Trips

Here is a link to the audio  version of this blog, if you would prefer to listen:

    Several months ago I wrote a short paragraph and posted it on Facebook. I then had some success having an article published in the NFA magazine, Generations. I decided at that point, then, to re-work the little paragraph I had posted, name it, “Night Trips To The Bathroom,” and submit it to NAF. They accepted it but at this point don’t know if it will actually make it into the winter issue. So I decided to re-work it again, and I would like to present it for you to read. If you do get the NAF publication, you may or may not see a version of the following.

          Night Trips To The Bathroom

Being woken up at night, no matter how you slice it, is annoying. The real presence of Ataxia takes this a step or leap beyond annoying to the realm of mission impossible. There have been a few nights when, upon waking, I’m sure I’ve seen the fuse burning as it races across my bedroom floor, the first sign that there’s potential trouble ahead. So, I lay there for a second or thirty trying to prepare myself mentally for the road ahead. At this point, I would like to mention the fact that my brain quite often fibs to the rest of my body by telling it that this can and will be easily done. This “lie” is often said by my brain and usually ends in tears, sometimes even mine. After spending the time needed to mentally prepare, I now move to the second phase, or what would be more accurately referred to as, the second problem. Now I have to switch from a purely mental exercise to a physical reality. And, so, I swing my legs to the edge of the bed, sit up, and try to focus on the task ahead while my bladder yells at me with increasing levels of volume. I launch myself off the bed only to discover that my leg muscles are not feeling very cooperative and I lurch around like a newborn calf, ( I  refer you back to my last article and point out the part in which I try to hurry). The level of volume from the bladder has now increased to a pitch even the neighbors can hear,( while out for a walk they will stop me and inquire if I made it in time….embarrassing, but at least I know they care). Meanwhile, my eyes are seeing all the potential hazards, (albeit, dark shapes), and also being reminded by the helpful part of the brain of the endless possibilities for injury. My toes are feeling completely vulnerable, being subject to the lurching and shuffling of the legs, that and the fact that they know all too well what can happen and the very real chance of pain. They would like to suggest little hard hats if possible, or even steel toed slippers would be nice. Once I have actually made it, I am very tempted just to lie down on our fuzzy bath mat instead of facing a return journey. I bounce off so many walls and furniture it feels like I’m in a massive spanking machine. When I do get back to bed, (or wherever I end up), I am very thankful that this will more-than-likely be limited to one trip for tonight, and I am very apprehensive about the days when multiple trips are necessary.
This is a link to the audio version of this blog:

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