Thursday, March 27, 2014

Along For The Ride

here is a link to the audio version, in case you would rather listen to this blog:

I wrote and posted my first blog in October 2013. I had initially named it My Life but recently decided to add to that title the phrase My Life, A Journey With Ataxia Along For The Ride. I will explain my reason for the change by addressing this issue in the current blog.

Sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes my Ataxia can feel like an annoying acquaintance who is continuously bumming something off me. If I go anywhere, it is always there to ask if I would mind giving it a ride? " Hey can you swing me by....?, or,"Would you mind....? Honestly, I feel like shouting, " YES I WOULD MIND, WOULD YOU PLEASE,  PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT'S DEAR, JUST FOR ONCE, LEAVE ME ALONE"!? But I can't, because I was always taught to be polite, (thanks, mom). Actually, I did lose it one time, and although I got the sentiment across using slightly different wording than those referred to above, it did not affect this persistent, stubborn, thick-headed interloper. It also tries to slip in while I'm not looking as if I won't notice. Well, I noticed! It's always leaving muddy footprints and other messes everywhere, and it is pretty obvious that "Hey everybody, Ataxia is here"!

Well, Ataxia officially moved in in 2003 and has now become an always-present nuisance. I go to bed at night, and it's there. I wake up in the morning, and it's there. Ataxia scrutinizes ever thought and plan for the day, like it's saying about my ideas, " Yeah, I find it cute...the way that you still believe  you're in charge...and don't get me wrong, this all sounds great, but here's how it's actually gonna go."

But even though my Ataxia thinks it is in charge of my life, I am on a journey where it is just coming along for a ride. What does that mean? For me, it has become a constant reminder that my Ataxia does not define me nor will it ever have me.  That Ataxia is not the one that is taking me for a ride, BUT I am the one taking it for a ride,( think of the Moria scene in the first L.O.T.R movie where Gandalf yells, "You shall not pass)! It consonantly, and incessantly tries to mess me up physically, but it will never touch my Spirit. This brings me peace and assurance, and no matter what your situation it can for you as well my friend.

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